Official Numbers 2012

Statistical information on dentistry practice in Portugal

300x424-pdaofficialdata2012enThe purpose of this publication is to inform the population, the decision makers and professionals in the health field, about the statistic data regarding Dentistry in Portugal.

We consider this study to be of great relevance for everyone who wishes to begin their professional activity, or to those who intend to change their private practice; especially for young graduates, this publication might be extremely useful in knowing the socio-economic reality in what concerns the practice of the profession in Portugal.

Currently, the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD) has 7419 members, of 33 nationalities, spread throughout the entire country.

Despite these numbers, socio-economic factors, lack of information and of mechanisms that facilitate the access to Dentistry prevent a substantial part of our population, particularly the elderly, people with disabilities, patients with congenital and infectious diseases, to benefit from a fundamental right, constitutionally established: the Right to Health.


Download the Portuguese Dental Association Official Data 2012 (pdf, 20 MB)