António Mano Azul

Oral cancer update: epidemiology, risk factors and early diagnosis

200x200-antonio-mano-azulMD, Specialist in Stomatology.

Practice exclusive in Oral Medicine and Surgery.

Was always dedicated to teaching in Portugal (FMUL-Microbiology; FMDUL-Oral Surgery, ISCSS-EM – Special Therapeutics and Course Director; ISAVE- Oral Pathology and Oral Oncology) and abroad as Visiting Professor in Danemark,Sweden,USA, GB, Spain, Italy and Turkey or as Associated Professorof the da European Faculty of Oral Health Sciences and European Master of Oral medicine and Surgery in France.

Won the 1st. Pfizer Prize for Young Researchers.

Published 114 papers in portuguese and international journals including Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Journal of the American Dental Association, Journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Endodontics , Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, International Dental Journal e Oral Oncology, 17 of them quoted in papers or books including Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Journal of the American Dental Association, Journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Endodontics , Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, International Dental Journal e Oral Oncology.

Published 6 books or chapters of books including 1 in GB and 2 in USA.

Was, among other positions, Director of the Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Cirurgia Maxilo-facial and Member of the Editorial Board of the Dental Aliance for AIDS/HIV Care. He is a founder and was President of the European Association of Oral Medicine.


Summary of the presentation

Oral cancer is one of the few life-threatening oral diseases. The subtypes and different sites of oral cancer has different etiology, epidemiology and survival rate.

Prevalence of the various anatomical oral sites provide potential baseline for improvement of clinical approach.

We will present oral cancer risk factors including tobacco, alcohol, diet and nutrition, ultraviolet light and immunosuppression.

This lecture will also discuss the role of sexual contact in oral cancer (by way of exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV)).

We will also present calculated odds ratios (ORs) of associations between cancer and specific sexual behaviors, including practice of oral sex, number of lifetime sexual partners and oral sex partners, age at sexual debut, a history of same-sex contact and a history of oral-anal contact.

Besides prevention, early diagnosis is the only way to reduce morbility,mortality and improve life quality in oral cancer patients. In this context, the role of the general dentist will be discussed.