Fábio Santiago

Is endodontic microsurgery a predictable treatment? What are its limitations?

  • DDS degree from Porto University (2010)
  • MSc in Endodontics, Universitat Internacional Catalunya, Barcelona (2014)
  • University certificate in Adhesive Dentistry and Aesthetics, University Paris VII (2015)
  • Co-founder, coordinator and trainer at the FromRoots Endodontics School (since 2016)
  • Certified member of the European Society of Endodontology
  • Member of the Portuguese Society of Endodontology

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Endodontics

27 of november, from 11h15 until 12h00

Sala 2

Conference summary

Since the 2000s, endodontic surgery has undergone a great evolution. The use of the microscope and the consequent appearance of a diversity of micro-instruments and materials led to a significantly increase in the success rates. At a time when “minimally invasive” is in vogue, endodontic microsurgery has cemented its position as a patient-centered treatment option. During this conference I will try to demonstrate why a traditional technique is closer to failure and what are the limitations of a modern microsurgical technique.