António Duarte Mata

Digital disruption in dentistry: The future is now

  • Doctor in dental surgery by the IUEM in 1996
  • PhD by the University of Central Lancashire in 2003
  • PhD by the University of Oporto in 2004
  • Full professor at FMDUL
  • Coordinator of the research unit FCT- LibPHYS-UL
  • Chairman of the Evidence Based Dentistry Center at the FMDUL
  • Over 100 publications

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Innovations in materials and techniques

14 of november, from 14h30 until 15h15

Auditório D

Conference summary

Digital disruption is the change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. It is a wider concept when compared with technological disruption which is the simple change in one technology for another.

In dentistry there has been much debate on technological disruption, namely, the digital workflow in implantology or prosthodontics, and Cone Beam Technology whereas endodontics is concerned. However much less discussion is heard about digital disruption. It is anticipated that in the next years digital medicine will face a dramatic shift in the paradigm of medical research and healthcare in a way that it will impact significantly in the behavior of patients doctors and satkeholders.

The web, big data Artificial Intelligence  and Internet of Things models are expected to generate novel and revolutionary clinical decision support tools.