Ana Rita Costa

Dental care practice in an operating room setting

  • Graduation in Dentistry in Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Sul
  • Militar Dentist, Portuguese Air Force
  • Master in Medicine, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, UNL
  • General internship, Centro Hospital Lisboa Ocidental
  • Internal Doctor of the 5th year Maxillofacial Surgery, CHULC – Hospital São José

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Oral surgery

14 of november, from 12h15 until 13h00

Auditório B

Conference summary

Dentists are trained to perform dental procedures under local anesthesia, with the collaboration of their patients, in a clinic or private hospital setting. However, in the absence of cooperation, like patients with special needs, medically compromised, with psychiatric diseases, motor disorders, institutionalized, dependent or, simply, for the comfort and convenience of anxious patients, adjuvant options, as general anesthesia in operating room context should be considered.

The operating room provides a safe, effective and efficient environment for these patients.

For patient safety, in the operating room, it is fundamental to comply with well-defined aseptic protocols, medical, nursing and dental assistants conduct, which must be ingrained in conjunction with dental procedures.

This lecture aims to recall, clarify and automate the pre, intra and postoperative steps when treating a patient under general anesthesia, as well as providing useful tips to minimize the most common errors in the operating room theater.