Jacobo Limeres

Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw. An update

Jacobo Limeres Posse graduated in Dentistry at the Santiago de Compostela University (USC), gaining his PhD degree afterwards.
He was the Director of the Stomatology Department, and actually is the Vicedean of Dental Studies of the USC School of Medicine and Dentistry. He coordinates the “Program for Dental care of severely handicapped patients” developed in the Special Needs Unit of the USC in collaboration with the Galician Healthcare Service. He is also co-director of the Postgraduate course “Master in Dentistry for Medically compromised patients” at the USC. Currently he is past President of the Spanish Society of Special Care Dentistry.

Nationality: Espanha

Scientific areas: Oral medicine

10 of november, from 12h00 until 13h00

Auditório C

Conference summary

The Osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) is an adverse side event of bisphosphonates and antiresorptive agents that effectively reduce the incidence of skeletal-related events in patients with metastatic bone cancer and multiple myeloma. Individuals exposed to antiresorptive agents can develop ONJ. There is increasing evidence that avoidance of surgical trauma and infection to the jawbones can minimize the risk of ONJ, but there are still a significant number of individuals who develop ONJ in the absence of these risk factors. This presentation summarizes current knowledge of ONJ (epidemiology, manifestations, risk-reduction and therapeutic strategies).