Diana Sequeira

Regenerative dental medicine - from fiction to reality: Total regeneration of pulp tissue

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Medicine, FMUC, 2009.
  • Integrated Master’s Degree in Dental Medicine – Endodontics, FMUC, 2010.
  • PhD in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine, IIIUC, 2022.
  • Assistant Professor of Endodontics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra.
  • Researcher at the Center for Research and Innovation in Dental Sciences (CIROS), FMUC.
  • Researcher at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra.

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Innovations in dentistry

10 of november, from 15h05 until 15h40

Room 2

Conference summary

Over the years, millions of teeth have been preserved through conventional endodontic treatment. However, classical techniques result in the loss of proprioception and defense mechanisms associated with an increased risk of fracture and infection. An ideal treatment would involve a regenerative approach where necrotic tissues are removed and replaced with vital pulp tissue, improving the prognosis of the intervened tooth.

Currently, with the growing knowledge in the areas of cell biology and tissue engineering, efforts have been made not only to maintain pulp vitality but also towards the regeneration/repair of dentin-pulp tissue.

Key points in performing regenerative treatments, as highlighted by the American Association of Endodontics, include the use of an appropriate cellular source, associated with a matrix that promotes cell growth and differentiation, in the presence of growth factors or bioactive compounds.

Therefore, it is imperative to explore new techniques, as well as cellular sources, matrices, and bioactive materials, that revolutionize the field of Endodontics and lead us into a new era where regenerative endodontics becomes the treatment of choice.