Catarina Augusto

Dietary habits and nutritional impact on oral health

  • Invited Assistant Professor FADEUP | ESE.IPP.
  • Clinic and Sports Nutritionist – Centro Médico Velasquez.
  • Master Degree in Physical Activity and Health.
  • International Olympic Committee Diploma in Sports Nutrition.

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Dental assistent course

11 of november, from 09h00 until 09h45

Auditorium C

Conference summary

Nutrition and oral health are directly associated and poor food choices may impair oral health such as dental caries, dental erosion, periodontal diseases, among others.

The portuguese national food survey showed worrying data regarding Portuguese dietary habits, namely the high consumption of sweets, cakes and biscuits (70g/day/person) and the average consumption of 200ml of soft drinks and nectars by 20% of the population.

In addition to these foods being associated with an increased risk of illness and damage to oral health, there are also other products that are frequently consumed and that require reading the label to decode their nutritional information.

Food literacy is essential for understanding deficient dietary habits during a dental consultation.