Cláudia Sofia Rodrigues

Endodontic treatment in the geriatric patient

  • Degree in Dental Medicine from the FMDUP in 1998
  • Master in Endodontics from FMDUP in 2004
  • PhD in Dentistry from FMDUP in 2012
  • Assistant Professor of Endodontics at FMDUP
  • Generalist private clinic, but with a predominance in the area of ​​endodontics

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Endodontics

18 of november, from 11h00 until 11h45

Auditorium B

Conference summary

The number of people aged 65 and over has increased by 20.6 percent in the last 10 years, currently representing 23.4% of the Portuguese population.
The increase in the elderly population naturally translates into an increase in geriatric patients in the dental office, who seek to improve their quality of life, including the quality of their oral health. On the other hand, poor oral health can be a risk factor for systemic changes or diseases, so dentistry plays an increasingly important role in this age group.
In these patients, with multiple risk factors associated with age and with changes in the oral cavity and dental tissues resulting from aging, dental treatments, namely endodontic treatments, can be a challenge for the dentist. It will be increasingly necessary for the clinician to have specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to perform endodontic treatments in the senior population.
In this presentation, we intend to systematize the specifics of endodontic treatment in geriatric patients, including guidelines for diagnosis and treatment planning, and techniques and materials that can help in approaching these clinical cases.