André Mariz de Almeida

Sleep apnea from 0 to 100 years old in an interdisciplinary perspective - the perspective of adult dentistry

  • Master in Dentistry at ISCSEM
  • Graduated in Dentistry at ISCSEM
  • PhD student in Universidad de Granada
  • TMJ and Orofacial Pain Assistant at Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
  • VP of the Portuguese Society of Orofacial Pain and Tempomandibular Dysfunction
  • Several works published in the field of hyaluronic acid published/presented in conferences/journals
  • Experts en Medicina Dental de Sueño por la Federación Española de Sociedades de Medicina del Sueño

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Orthodontics (sleep apnea)

19 of november, from 18h00 until 18h15

Auditorium B

Conference summary

Dentists have been involved in the collaborative assessment and treatment of patients with OSAS using oral devices since the 1980s. The guidelines published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM) are clear. the essential role of the dentist in a multidisciplinary team that treats a sleep patient.

Dentists play a key role in identifying the so-called “screening” of patients with OSAS. A regular visit to the Dentist makes it possible to systematically identify signs and symptoms suggestive of OSAS such as anatomical, systemic, hormonal factors, among others, and to take advantage of the opportunity to identify patients at elevated risk of OSAS through validated questionares.

Regarding the treatment of OSAS in adults by the Dentist, it is also very well documented both from the point of view of the Mandibular Advancement Device, and in relation to the orthodontic treatment for OSAS.

At the conference we will talk about this role of the Dentist, so well documented by several societies in the evaluation, treatment and follow-up of the patient with adult OSAS, in what today is considered an increasingly key role in a pathology that is increasingly present and with greater weight in the society.