Manuel Augusto Oliveira

Occupational oral health

  • MD, graduated from the Faculty of Medical Sciences / Nova Medical School of the New University of Lisbon in 1994
  • Physician specialized in Occupational Medicine by the Order of Doctors since 1999
  • Expert doctor at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences since 2002 with technical-scientific training by this Institution
  • Competence by the Order of Physicians in Body Damage Assessment, Competence in Medical Expertise in Social Security, Competence in Management of Health Units
  • General and Internal Medicine Physician of the Complementary of Clinical Pathology from 1995 to 2008
  • From 1997 until now he worked as Occupational Physician with the initial authorization of the DGS until acquiring the specialization
  • From 1997 to 1999, he completed postgraduate occupational medicine at the National School of Public Health
  • He served as an occupational physician in internal services in business groups in the cement, cork, energy, trade, aviation
    and hospitals. Currently SBSI’s job doctor at SAMS
  • Medical expertise in state agencies and labor courts
  • In his role as a working doctor, while on the national air carrier, he was tasked to carry out expert assessment of the members of the Care Team group, a pathology under the post-traumatic stress syndrome, to those involved in helping the victims of the air disaster of the Barajas airport in Madrid

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: On Our Agenda...

15 of november, from 14h30 until 19h00

Sala 2

Conference summary

Sectoral competences in dentistry: foretaste