Luca Cordaro

Treatment of tissue defects in the aesthetic zone: advantages of multiple surgical stages

  • Head of the Department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Roma
  • He also runs a busy private practice in Rome together with his brother
  • Has published more than 70 papers in italian or international journals and has contributed to different book chapters
  • He is coauthor of the Book “The SAC classification in Implant Dentistry” and recently published “ITI Treatment Guide 7: Staged alveolar bone augmentation” edited by Quintessence
  • He has lectured in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, and he has given courses and seminars in more than 30 Universities all other the world
  • His professional interests are Periodontology, Implantology and Oral surgery with a special interest regarding the reconstructive treament of alveolar atrophies

Nationality: Italy

Scientific areas: Implantology

16 of november, from 14h30 until 16h00

Auditório A

Conference summary

Rebuilding the best possible tissue support to implant restorations in the aesthetic zone is often challenging and may be achieved with different surgical techniques and timings.

A correct analysis of the base-line situation is mandatory to choose the treatment plan that best fits to the individual case. In this respect the team should be informed of the limitations and advantages of each surgical approach.

The presentation will try to outline why in many cases, presenting with important tissue deficiencies, multiple surgical steps, with increased treatment time, often represent the treatment of choice to achieve a more predictable outcome.  When smaller defects are present reducing treatment steps and time may still be a viable and predictable option.


Learning objectives:

  • Understand the complexity of the hard and soft tissue defect;
  • Evaluate what is the most predictable surgical approach in the given clinical situation;
  • Understand what are the limitations of faster and more simple surgical approaches.


Scientific sponsor