Daniel Alves

Critical factors in prosthetic digital workflow

  • Degree in Dental Medicine from the Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde da UFP
  • Master in Oral Surgery by FMDUP
  • PhD Student in Dental Medicine at FMDUP
  • Active member of International Team for Implantology

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Oral rehabilitation

15 of november, from 09h00 until 09h30

Auditório A

Conference summary

In this age the use of digital tools in the different areas of Dentistry, from diagnosis to oral rehabilitation, is becoming more and more frequent.

However, although the scanner is already widely used in dental laboratory for fabrication of fixed dental prosthesis, there is still some resistance in using this tool in the clinic.

The purpose of this presentation is to answer the doubts about digital workflow for the manufacture of fixed dental prosthesis, stating its advantages and difficulties, case selection criteria and digital protocols.

Clinical cases will be presented that will demonstrate step by step the fully digital workflow in the manufacture of dental and implant supported prosthesis.