Cátia Moreno

Extensive Oral Rehabilitations - from planning to execution

  • Master in Dentistry, ISCSEM Member of Biomimetic Dentistry Portugal
  • Post-Graduation Educator on Advanced Biomimetic Oral Rehabilitation, CESPU
  • Post-Graduation “Gnathology and Occlusion in Interdisciplinary Dentistry”, Vienna, Austria
  • Post-Graduation “Function and Dysfunction of the Masticatory Organ”, Bucharest, Romania
  • Post-Graduation in Orthodontics, FMUP

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Oral rehabilitation

10 of november, from 12h00 until 13h00

Auditório A

Conference summary

The Extensive Oral Rehabilitation is a rather complex field in Dentistry, demanding a comprehensive knowledge on planning and execution.

A large number of variables, possible workflows and existing scientific polarization hinder the decision-making process.

In cases of rehabilitation with alteration of VDO, doubts arise, for example, as how-to and how-much to increase, if there is any limit to this increase, how to fill the resulting space, whether at the cost of just one of the arches (and which) or both and about not losing the mandibular position throughout the process.

In this presentation, the author intends to share a set of principles and logical reasoning that help in solving the rehabilitation puzzle in most cases.