Andrea Ricci

Oral rehabilitation

  • He graduated from University of Perugia in 1996
  • After a three years training program he achieved the Certificate in Advanced Prosthodontics at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles
  • Since 1999 he limits his practice to prosthodontics, periodontology and implant dentistry with special emphasis to the aesthetic areas
  • Scientific Director of IDEAT (Institute of Dental Education and Therapy)
  • Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), Associate Member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD), Active Member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic
  • Dentistry (IAED) and Active Member of the Italian College of Prosthodontics (ICP)
  • Co-author of several papers published in international journals
  • He has lectured extensively in Europe, United States, China, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, United Arab Emirates and in Japan

Nationality: Itália

Scientific areas: Oral rehabilitation

9 of november, from 09h00 until 12h00

Auditório A

Conference summary

Achieving esthetics in dentistry is one of the most challenging issues in dentistry and has become a persistent topic in all specialties of dentistry. The patient seeks not only a functional restoration or an implant that is osseointegrated, but also an optimal esthetic result, therefore, we are facing everyday higher and higher patients’ demands.

Tooth extractions, advanced periodontal disease, consequences of periodontal therapy, iatrogenic lesions, wrong soft tissue management, wrong timing of procedures may lead to different esthetic problems such as elongated teeth, altered gingival margins, lack of three-dimensional hard and soft tissue volume, in other words an inadequate relationship between soft tissue and teeth and/or restorations. This, as a consequence, may determine an unnatural, non pleasing, smile.

Modern techniques and materials can be useless if the final outcome doesn’t achieve the patient esthetic expectations.

This presentation will focus on the solutions of these problems, on an adequate diagnosis of the different sites, on the forecast of the clinical outcome and on the technical solutions, which, in most cases, requires a multidisciplinary approach and a thorough knowledge of the restorative materials and protocols which involve the effort of the entire dental team.