Cristina Manso

Prevention of white spot enamel lesions of cariogenic origin


Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Orthodontics

9 of november, from 12h00 until 12h30

Auditorium C

Conference summary

White spot, cariogenic enamel lesions frequently occur during orthodontic treatment. It is necessary for the orthodontist to be attentive, for an early diagnosis and so that he can assess the cariogenic risk of his patient.

Accentuated loss of mineral leaves the enamel with pathognomonic characteristics, such as a chalky, porous, and rough appearance on tactile probing, as well as other alterations in its mimetic appearance.

These lesions are intrinsically associated with bacterial plaque and the environmental availability of the substrate consumed by them, affecting our patient’s aesthetics, health, and smile. In the field of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment there are different approaches.

We will talk about sustainability in dentistry in this regard, namely in the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive strategies.