José Frias Bulhosa

Medical error and the limits of dentistry

  • Dentist
  • Member of the OMD’s Deontology and Discipline Council
  • Professor of Ethics and Deontology FCS- UFP

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: On Our Agenda (deontology and medical error)

17 of november, from 17h30 until 19h00

Room 2

Conference summary

The act of making mistakes is proper to man in all his functions and activities and we are all subject to make mistakes.

The medical error is conceptually the bad result or an adverse outcome resulting from the action or omission of the doctor and is not always exclusive to the responsibility of the clinician.

The three conditions that are at the origin of medical error are: imprudence, impertinence or negligence.

A wide range of predisposing factors for the occurrence of error in the course of clinical activity have been identified in the scientific and forensic literature, to which the dentist must be alert and pass on these warnings to his teams in order to minimise the risk in all its dimensions.

Finally, when an error has been made, the damage will be assessed and the damage will be compensated for through professional liability insurance.

Thus, this session aims to identify and alert dentists to the management of the risk of medical error and how this can affect the entire organization of the clinic.

Lecturer of the session “On Our Agenda” with the title “Ethics headlong: medical error and the limits of dental medicine”.