João André Correia

Relevant drug interactions in dental medicine

  • Specialist in Stomatology – Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
  • Teaching Assistant Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa – Oral and Maxilofacial Pathology
  • Fellowship in Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery – Ludwig-Maximilians University Hospital, Munich
  • Clinical practice and scientific research with focus in Osteonecrosis of the Jaws
  • Stomatology Specialty Training at Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
  • Master’s Degree in Medicine – Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Therapy

18 of november, from 11h35 until 12h10

Room 1

Conference summary

Drug interaction consists of altering the pharmacological activity of a drug by the administration of another, leading to a different pharmacological response from predicted, when the same drug is administered alone.

The severity of the drug interaction is variable, and may not be harmful to the patient’s health, considerably affect their condition requiring additional care or hospitalization, or even become life-threatening and cause permanent damage.

Population aging, increased prevalence of chronic diseases and polymedication are risk factors for the occurrence of drug interactions and constitute a challenge in current clinical practice.

Antibiotics, non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and local anesthetics are among the most prescribed and used drugs in Dental Medicine, with the potential to interact with several pharmacological groups.

This literature review aims to identify and prevent the most frequent drug interactions in Dental Medicine, through the promotion of safe prescribing strategies.