Gonçalo Trafaria

Osteopathic concepts of baby's cranial asymmetries and their relationship with Dentistry

  • Pediatric Physiotherapist and Osteopath with over 18 years of experience
  • Pioneer in the regulation of Osteopathy in Portugal and in the exclusive practice in Pediatrics
  • Degree in Physiotherapy, by the Escola Superior das Tecnologias e da Saúde de Lisboa
  • Diploma in Osteopathy (D.O.)
  • Post-Graduation in Child Osteopathy, by Universidade Atlântica, Lisbon
  • International courses: Ostéopathie pédiatrique with Nicette Sergueef, Institut Therapie Manuelle Paris with Gilles Barette, DO
  • General Osteopathic Council and Foundation for Pediatric Osteopathy

Nationality: Portugal

Scientific areas: Occlusion

17 of november, from 18h20 until 18h45

Auditorium A

Conference summary

A communication that will allow the development of reasoning about the mechanics of skull development, understanding the basic differences between normal growth and cranial dysfunction and, based on these concepts, understanding the dysfunctional mechanisms of the baby’s skull and their relationship with facial asymmetries and occlusion.
Understand what Functional Jaw Orthopedics and Pediatric Dentistry should not miss in their evaluation for a better intervention.